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Ardently Austen is a celebration of Jane Austen’s classic novels and the TV adaptations we love. But do you already know everything about Jane Austen and her novels? Take our quiz to find out!

Ardently Austen Quiz

1. Which novels did Jane Austen publish anonymously?

2. Jane Austen died before finishing which novel?

3. Which of these novels was published while Jane Austen was alive?

4. The first major film adaptation of "Pride and Prejudice" was released in what year?

5. "The Brothers" was Jane Austen's working title for which novel?

6. What’s the best source of biographical information about Jane Austen that we have today?

7. For how many years were Jane Austen’s books out of print after her death?

8. What’s the largest print run for any of Jane Austen’s books during her lifetime?

9. Out of Jane Austen’s six fully published novels, which did NOT include an elopement or secret engagement?

10. According to the stories, which of these characters has the highest annual income?

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